Friday, May 30, 2008

Mon-Fayette Expressway Completion Cost Debated

Still being debated for environmental concerns, cost, effective plan, etc.

Debate held at University of Pittsburgh

Public Debate on the Future of Transportation in Pittsburgh: Should the Mon-Fayette Expressway Be Completed?
Presenter(s):Andrea Boykowycz, Colin Esgro, Richard Pittman


Rebroadcast at PCNTV


Podcast of the Week: Debating the Mon-Fayette
Not fully convinced the Mon-Fayette Toll Road is dubious pork eminently worthy of pig-in-a-poke skepticism? Then pull up a chair and listen to Monday night's debate at the University of Pittsburgh's William Pitt Debating Union entitled "Should the Mon-Fayette Expressway be Completed?"

PennFuture outreach coordinator Andrea Boykowycz and Pitt student Richard Pittman squared off against Lynn Heckman, Assistant Director of Planning for Allegheny County Economic Development and Pitt student Colin Esgro. The participants made presentations and took questions from student panelists and the audience.

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