Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gore Live Earth Concert

The best way to deflate erroneous information is to have widespread access to the information and an opportunity to dispute it point by point.

That's exactly what is happening with Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth documentary for which Hollywood handed him an Academy Award.

Point by point, errors in the documentary are being exposed.

And the news coverage as we all know leans towards the global warmers position with just about every major mainstream print media online linking features and articles pro-manmade global warming to every article published online. They overwhelmingly ignore any information that disputes Gore.

But even with all the free exposure, an Academy Award win, more free exposure, and trips around the world and in U.S., more free press coverage, when polled, less than one-fourth of the American public believes Al Gore is an expert on the issue.

24% Consider Al Gore Global Warming Expert


That's a recent poll. Just wait as the public becomes privy to the other-side - the arguments of the skeptics who point by point challenge and dispute Gore's facts. The truth is much more difficult to get out when global warming (manmade) debunkers are demonized. Compared to holocaust deniers, they're called global warming deniers.

Few media networks other than Fox News Hannity and Colmes, O'Reilly Factor, and Fox 'n Friends even discussed the recent New York Times piece, March 13, 2007 "From a Rapt Audience, a Call to Cool the Hype" by William J. Broad, but bloggers across the net did.


Senators Reid and Snowe introduced a bipartisan resolution Senate Con. Res. 17 also S. Con. Res. 24: A concurrent resolution authorizing the use of Capitol grounds for the Live Earth Concert to enable Gore's Live Earth concert to be staged in Washington DC, but the resolution apparently was blocked by Senate Republicans last week, according to a report at blogger Bob McCarty's site http://bobmccarty.wordpress.com/2007/03/26/gop-senators-block-live-earth-concert-resolution/.

According to the Politico, the Senate measure remains in the Rules and Administration Committee.

With the Republican action, Gore simply gets sympathy and the big-bad Republicans who blocked the resolution get negative press coverage for being partisan while the validity of the contents of the documentary and the global warming theorists hype slides under the radar.

If the concert would go forth in Washington, scientists who dispute Gore's doomsday portrayal would have another opportunity to continue to shoot down one by one the errors and misinformation of An Inconvenient Truth.

Don't miss the Great Global Warming Swindle video documentary (links at sidebar) or


Don't miss sidebar James Spann WeatherBrains - streaming video archives which feature interviews with not-so-well-known names, but scientific experts nonetheless, who refute global warming theory as portrayed.

Each time you hear about An Inconvenient Truth and Al Gore, replay the Great Global Warming Swindle, revisit Spann's site, and of course, revisit Net the Truth Online which links to those pesky debunkers as well as Ronald Bailey and Al Gore.

The United States public is not convinced on manmade global warming, otherwise, Gore wouldn't need to stage a massive concert here and have rock stars sing-song how we're all doomed.

If the American public were overwhelmingly of one mind on manmade global warming Gore's film wouldn't be the only one shown in elementary schools and high schools.

If the public here were already convinced, the mainstream media wouldn't continue day after day with its one-sided news coverage to try to convince them.

How about the sixth grade class that held a mock trial of global warming? Given both sides, the majority determined it couldn't be proved humans were the primary cause of global warming!


Contrary to Ronald Bailey's We're All Global Warmers Now, we're not.

The fact We're Not All Global Warmers Now - for good reason - is increasingly being made known by citizen journalists all across the internet.

GOP Senators Block ‘Live Earth Concert’ Resolution
March 26th, 2007
On Friday, Republicans in the U.S. Senate blocked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s attempt to give Rev. Al Gore and members of The Warmin’ Church™ permission to stage a revival (a.k.a., “Live Earth Concert”) on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol...


March 25, 2007
Senate GOP Says No to Al Gore-Global Warming Concert at Capitol

You probably didn't notice it (since readers of The Crypt have actual lives), but late Friday afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) tried to get Senate Republicans to allow former Vice President Al Gore to stage a global warming concert on Capitol grounds. But Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) objected to Reid's request, and the resolution authorizing the concert, for now, remains stuck in the Rules and Administration Committee.

Specifically, what Reid tried to do was get an unanimous consent agreement approving S. Con. Res. 24, which would permit Live Earth and the Alliance for Climate Protection, which Gore runs, to stage a July 7 concert on Capitol grounds...


Gore's Live Earth Concert May Be Staged at Capitol
By J. Freedom du Lac
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 13, 2007; Page C02

Rock on, Al Gore.

That's the message coming from Capitol Hill, where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) introduced a resolution yesterday to allow Gore to stage a global-warming concert on the Capitol grounds...


Gore Gets a Hand From Congress for Climate Concert
By Jeremy Pelofsky

Mar 14, 2007 — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Vice President and environment crusader Al Gore still has some pull in Washington, D.C. — getting a venue for a rock concert.

The former Democratic presidential candidate had wanted to highlight the need to address global warming by staging one of seven worldwide "Live Earth" concerts on the National Mall in the U.S. capital on July 7.

But two events already are scheduled for that day on the Mall so Gore reached out to a close friend in Congress, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, to use the front lawn of the Capitol — albeit a much smaller area.

Reid of Nevada and Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine have introduced a resolution in the Senate offering the Capitol grounds for the event. It would also have to pass the U.S. House of Representatives...


Gore eyes venue for climate concert: Congress
National Mall taken, so he's asked for 'Live Earth' event on Capitol lawn


Al Gore to Announce Global Climate Change Concert Series
Thursday, February 15, 2007


24% Consider Al Gore Global Warming Expert
March 24, 2007

Al Gore Former Vice President Al Gore (D) received a warm welcome on Capitol Hill last week for his testimony on the environment and Global Warming. However, while he is now an Academy Award winner and celebrity activist, just 24% of Americans consider Gore an expert on Global Warming. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of 1,000 adults found that 47% say he is not an expert on the topic (see crosstabs).

In fact, just 36% of Americans say that Gore knows what he is talking about when it comes to the environment and Global Warming. Thirty-one percent (31%) say he does not know what he is talking about while 33% are not sure. Women, by a 2-to-1 margin, say Gore knows what he is talking about. Men, by a similar margin, say he does not. (More Below)


Climate expert says Gore's concert tour fueled by exaggeration


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