Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fox News Trio Admit Podesta Penned Inaugeral Ignore Date

Within a minute of showing a clips of a rally wherein John McCain stated to his supporters Barack Obama had already written his inaugeral address speech, "a rough draft," Fox News anchors Sunday relayed to watchers of the Sunday program.

John Podesta wrote a mock inaugeral address for his own book published before Obama was the nominee of the Democratic Party.

what is Fox News up to? Selling even more copies of Podesta's book before next Tuesday's election?

what's McCain up to? He says:

"I'm not making this up."

Well no, but you didn't check or have your campaign staff research further to check the NYT's story. You used the story to further your own political standing with your base of supporters who apparantly are willing to believe any bit of red meat thrown their way. That includes the debacle of a story from a McCain campaigner in Pittsburgh.

Geraldo Rivera said it best on his program Geraldo At large Saturday evening when Sean Hannity guested.

"Sean, Sean... what are you doing... all this talk of Ayers, terrorist, is Obama a terrorist, Sean?

Friendly with terrorists, Sean? An acquaintance of mine a few years back, Arafat. Am I a terrorist Sean?

Does that make me a terrorist?

What you're doing? You're making people feel sorry for Barack Obama and that makes them want to vote for him..."

How are you gonna vote, Hannity asks Geraldo. He's voting for McCain and Palin. What about you Geraldo.

Geraldo didn't answer. But his questions were more than pertinent.

Geraldo At Large

We agree. All such charges do is create doubt on those making unsubstantiated and on numerous occasions McCarthylike charges and worse as was highlighted during the Pittsburgh woman attacked B carved into her face

"Obama already wrote his inaugeral address"

Obama pals around with terrorists, unrepentent terrorist, unapologetic terrorist...

When the charges are shown to be not only baseless, but completely false, and that side of race-baiting, the undecided voter thinks about himself, or herself, and questions what would happen if I were in a similar situation.

Which political party, which one will reach so far out to demolish a presidential candidate as to fears and smears?

Nuclear war. that's the latest on the Fox Hannity America site.

Which one? Fears.

Poll-wise up to this point, the answer is obvious.

That doesn't mean Sean Hannity won't keep trying to connect the dots from William Ayers directly to Barack Obama. Or a nuclear conflict awaiting a new President.

Hannity completely missed Rivera's warning and advice.

Tonight, Hannity's America will present the public yet again with another program devoted entirely to 'discussing" Barack Obama.

10 Reasons Not to Vote for Obama

Watch it. See it.

Obama & Friends: History of Radicalism Part II
The second installment of Sean's critically acclaimed look into Barack Obama's past

• What's Obama still hiding about Ayers?
• Weather Underground victims speak out
• "Frank" disappears from Obama memoirs

Nine days remain for Hannity and company to convince we undecideds.

Take a good look at past videos and the introductory summaries.

Up in Smoke
Demonstration of devastating impact nuclear weapon would have on our nation's capitol

Green Team?
Does Obama have deeper ties to the mortgage meltdown than he'd like to admit? 'Hannity's America' investigates

Is Geraldo Rivera right, wrong, somewhere in between?

do you think Obama has direct ties to any terroristic plans or past activities?

History will give many of us the answer.

See Historical facts tip undecideds vote (soon to be uploaded)

Net the Truth Online

Obama denies having inaugural address
By: Mike Allen
October 25, 2008 10:21 PM EST

John Podesta, who is leading Obama's transition preparations, called McCain's charge "a complete fabrication."

"No one involved in pre-transition work has written one word of any address, inaugural or otherwise," said a statement from Podesta, who was White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton and is now president and chief executive officer of the Center for American Progress.

“NBC Nightly News” repeated the notion that Obama has a draft inaugural address ready.

Obama-Biden spokesman Bill Burton issued an “Obama Campaign Response to McCain’s False Inaugural Address Attack”:

“While this charge is completely false and there is no draft of an inaugural address for Sen. Obama, the last thing we need is a candidate like John McCain who just plans on rereading George Bush’s.”

The idea surfaced Saturday in a New York Times article about Obama transition plans, which reported: “Mr. Podesta has been mapping out the transition so systematically that he has already written a draft Inaugural Address for Mr. Obama, which he published this summer in a book called ‘The Power of Progress.’ The speech calls for rebuilding a ‘grand alliance’ with the rest of the world, bringing troops home from Iraq, recommitting to the war in Afghanistan, cutting poverty in half in 10 years and reducing greenhouse gases 80 percent by 2050.”

The Republican National Committee distributed the report as an installment of its "Audacity Watch" series on Obama.

Asked if there is any truth to the report, an Obama aide said: “No.”

Oops: The book was written when Podesta was advising Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) in her race against one Barack Obama.

Podesta said in a statement Saturday night: "While I appreciate Senator McCain's plug for my book, the 'Power of Progress,' his charge is a complete fabrication. He bases this claim on a New York Times story which distorted and confused a chapter I wrote last spring, for a book that was published this summer, with work I am doing this fall on behalf of Senator Obama.

"The inaugural address in the 'Power of Progress' was a literary device I used to sum up the arguments in the book. It was completed well in advance of my work for Senator Obama and has nothing to do with the Obama campaign or pre-transition. No one involved in pre-transition work has written one word of any address, inaugural or otherwise."

The center’s blog,, dismissed the idea Saturday with a post cheekily headlined, “New York Times Refuses to Believe Obama Will Draft His Own Inaugural Address.”

The post by Faiz Shakir, filed under the category “Braindead Media,” notes that “Obama has been intimately involved in writing many of the most important speeches over the course of his career.”

The post says it is therefore unlikely that the senator “has already outsourced the most important speech of his career.”

“The book, which was in the works for over a year and was written with the help of CAP’s in-house progressive historian John Halpin, traces the history and successes of progressive politics in the 20th Century, draws lessons from that history, and then applies those lessons to the big challenges facing the country — the global economy, global warming and global security,” the post says. “At the end, there is a sample inaugural address written not ‘for Mr. Obama,’ but rather, clearly offered as a literary device to summarize the main arguments in the book.

“The inaugural address was written and submitted to the publisher in March 2008, during a time when Podesta was supporting Sen. Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Podesta re-did the introduction to the book — but not the inaugural address — in June when it became clear that Obama would emerge as the nominee.”

Net the Truth Online

McCain latches onto false NYT story about Obama inaugural address.»
During a campaign rally in New Mexico today, Sen. John McCain attacked Barack Obama for taking a “victory lap” by claiming Obama has “already written” an inaugural address:

'Finish the race before starting the victory lap,' McCain says
Posted: 07:51 PM ET (CNN) — Senator John McCain attacked Sen. Barack Obama for having his inaugural address ready to go and said that Obama’s presidential preparations will be proven premature at a rally in Mesilla, Arizona on Saturday.

“We just learned from a newspaper today that Senator Obama’s inaugural address is already written.”

“You know? I’m not making it up. I’m not making it up. I’m not making it up. An awful lot of voters are still undecided, but he’s decided for them that well, why wait? It’s time to move forward with his first inaugural address,” McCain said.

“My friends, when I pull this thing, I have a request for my opponent. I want him to save that manuscript of his inaugural address, and donate it to the Smithsonian. And they can put it right next to the Chicago paper that said Dewey Defeats Truman,” he said in reference to the 1948 Chicago Tribune headline incorrectly proclaiming Dewey the winner of that presidential election.

“There’s 10 days left in this election, maybe Barack Obama will have his first state of the union address ready before you head to the polls. You know, I guess I’m just a little old fashioned about these things. I prefer to let the voters weigh in before presuming the outcome. What America needs now is someone who will finish the race before starting the victory lap.”

McCain was referring to a New York Times article published Saturday that said John Podesta (who leads Senator Obama's transition team) "has been mapping out the transition so systematically that he has already written a draft Inaugural Address for Mr. Obama, which he published this summer in a book called ‘The Power of Progress’.”

McCain Makes Hay of Obama Inaugural Address Report
By Michael D. Shear
MESILLA, N.M. -- Sen. John McCain this afternoon seized on a newspaper report that Sen. Barack Obama's staff has already written a draft of an inaugural address for the Democrat, mocking the presumptuousness.

"When I pull this thing off, I have a request for my opponent: I want him to save that manuscript of his inaugural address and donate it to the Smithsonian, and they can put it right next to the Chicago paper that says, 'Dewey defeats Truman,' " McCain said in this Las Cruces, N.M., suburb.

The barb was reminiscent of the summer, when McCain's campaign regularly mocked Obama for presuming that he was already elected president. On Saturday, the Republican also joked that Obama would have his State of the Union address ready before the election.

McCain led the crowd to believe that Obama started writing his speech in recent days, as he has pulled well ahead in the race. But the New York Times report said that Obama aide John Podesta had written a sample speech as part of a book he published this summer, not because of any recent success.

"Mr. Podesta has been mapping out the transition so systematically that he has already written a draft Inaugural Address for Mr. Obama, which he published this summer in a book called 'The Power of Progress,' " the Times wrote.

An Obama campaign spokesman called the McCain charge "completely false."

"The 'address' is from a book John Podesta wrote before Obama was the nominee. It's not a sample address for Obama. It's a sample address [Podesta] wrote for whoever became the nominee," the spokesman said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Posted at 7:08 PM ET on Oct 25, 2008

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