Friday, November 14, 2008

Majority of provisional ballots won't be counted in Fayette County
By The Tribune-Review
Friday, November 14, 2008

The Fayette County Election Board on Wednesday determined that 88 of 154 provisional ballots cast in the Nov. 4 general election would not be counted.

Laurie Lint, election bureau director, said the ballots were rejected because the voters either were not registered to vote, were registered in another county or failed to sign envelopes provided with the ballots.

Of the remaining 66 provisional ballots, the board counted 19 that were cast by registered voters in their correct precincts. For another 17, the board counted the full ballot because even though they were cast in the wrong precinct, legislative and Congressional candidates in each precinct were the same.

Of the remaining ballots, only partial ballots were counted because they were cast in the incorrect legislative or Congressional district, and the candidates in each district were different.

Provisional ballots are given out when election officials cannot determine whether a voter is registered, or when first-time voters cannot produce identification.

The inclusion of the approved provisional ballots will not change the outcome of any races, Lint said.

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