Monday, November 03, 2008

CNN John King: Scenario 269 to 269 Electoral College Tie

John King moved around numbers on his exclusive map setting a scenario that would make Florida 2000 look like, well, a blip on the historical radar.

Who knows, the polls were certainly watched this past week to a strange level. In fact one Zogby poll put McCain ahead of Obama by one point on Friday's report.

That led Zogby to claim Obama's 30-minute Prime Time ad on many networks had no effect on Obama's numbers immediately afterwards.

Conservative bloggers highlighted the Zogby analysis over the weekend into today. Quinn and Rose discussed the 1-point edge McCain had over the weekend, they said.

Meanwhile some pundits had commented a one-day sliver is not a trend, and the usual routine is to continue to a 3-day slice of time to determine any trend or lack thereof.

November 01, 2008
Zogby Poll McCain 1 point ahead Loony

Sunday, November 02, 2008
Zogby slams cheering & jeering Bloggers Needs Help

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