Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Pushing Hillary Clinton

CNN's Lou Dobbs. Who'd have thought.

Guest... former Health and Human Services secretary Donna Brazille sets record straight Obama will appeal to Democrat voters in the classifications Dobbs mentioned Clinton alone has wrapped up.

By the end of the program, Dobbs is sure to be disappointed in his unscientific poll results.

Do you believe Barack Obama should invite Hillary Clinton to join him on the Democratic Presidential ticket?
Yes 40% 3171
No 60% 4744
Total Votes: 7915

This is not a scientific poll


Oh good, Joe Madison is a guest on Lou Dobbs Tonight

Read the transcripts


Mort Kondrake says if he is forced to take Clinton - her noting today she'd take it in a conference call so close to the last contests in South Dakota and Montana - she stole his thunder tonight - he looks weak on issues (not resigning from church after first pastor flap) - and taking her and Bill Clinton inside could make him look weak.

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