Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Taxed Enough Already TEA Protests Nationwide

Fox News reporting the start of the nationwide TEA Party effort at 7 am Wednesday.

"Very much a grassroots organization," taking place at a time when Congress is on recess... said a woman whose name we didn't catch on the ticker.

70 plus rallies in California.

One sign shown: Will Atlas Shrug?

We'd like to steal that one... hmm... or maybe the line "both parties are different wings of the same vulture."

also looking for truth who really started the current 'idea' of a tax protest on tax-submission day...

Libertarian Party: we had the Tea Party idea first
April 13th, 2009


And we're watching Glenn Beck even though we've posted about his silly antics spilling fake gasoline on that poor soul Bill from Red Eye last week...

Just can't turn away from Beck now cause his staff is attempting to print-out the 60,000 page tax code... so far only 20,000 pages have been printed out by the staff over a period of 3 days!

Tax code is a destroyer of wealth, a prison sentence, says Beck.

Yes, we knew Beck would pull out a copy of the Constitution, the preserver of freedom. And it's a small tiny booklet.

Here it is online nice and neat.


Net the Truth Online

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