Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hotel Tax Coming to Town

It's difficult to understand how a new tax will stimulate the local economy when the norm is for the reverse. Tax something and you get less of it... Stay back from governmental interference in the free market system, barring health and safety measures, and the economy is freed up to grow...

Net the Truth Online:)

Fayette commissioners to act on hotel tax
By Amy Zalar, Herald-Standard
Updated 02/27/2008 12:15:46 AM EST
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The Fayette County commissioners took the first step Tuesday toward adopting a hotel occupancy tax that is expected to generate $750,000 annually for the county.

The vote to place a motion on Thursday's agenda to consider adopting the 3 percent tax resolution pursuant to Act 142 and to continue addressing the memorandum of understanding with the Laurel Highlands Visitors Bureau was approved 2-1, with Commissioner Vincent Zapotosky and Vincent A. Vicites voting in favor of it and Angela M. Zimmerlink voting against it. The memorandum will outline how the money generated from the tax would be allocated...

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