Click sponsors to reveal representatives who signed on to the Act before taking a so much needed Winter break
The choice is yours. This site has not yet taken a position in support of H.R. 5036, nor has the site objected to the legislation as it so far remains "opt in."
The bill does direct monies to again flow from the federal government to districts should those districts convert to paper-based voting system or conduct manual audits, and other details.
We would question the aspect of the federal government seeming to want its cake and eat it to, and using our taxpayer monies to do so. If the feds want the counties to adopt whatever, the feds should pay for it.
This appears to be the position NACo has taken.
See our y'day posting
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Federal Power Grab or Solution? U.S. Electronic Voting Systems
The JOhn Birch Society raises salient points concerning unconstitutionality which are worth considering.
The larger question is should there be a national body such as the EAC which will ultimately issue directives, requirements, and mandates not on states, but on county jurisdictions to further comply with whatever federal election measures arise in the future?
At any rate, the following is for your review and decision-making
(Net the Truth Online)
Discharge Petition How a Bill Becomes Law
Tell Congress: Pass HR 5036 Emergency Bill for Secure Elections in 2008
To direct the Administrator of General Services to reimburse certain jurisdictions for the costs of obtaining paper ballot voting systems for the general elections for Federal office to be held in November 2008, to reimburse jurisdictions for the costs incurred in conducting audits or hand counting of the results of the general elections for Federal office to be held in November 2008, and for other purposes.
Other Bill Titles
Official: To direct the Administrator of General Services to reimburse certain jurisdictions for the costs of obtaining paper ballot voting systems for the general elections for Federal office to be held in November 2008, to reimburse jurisdictions for the costs incurred in conducting audits or hand counting of the results of the general elections for Federal office to be held in November 2008, and for other purposes. as introduced.
Short: Emergency Assistance for Secure Elections Act of 2008 as introduced.
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