Friday, March 13, 2009

Federal Stimulus for Education Pushed Criticized

Ten Reasons Why the "Economic Stimulus" Should Not Include Education Spending January 26, 2009
by Dan Lips Backgrounder #2233

House Democrats recently unveiled draft legisla­tion for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.[1] Widely touted as an economic stimulus package, the $825 billion draft legislation included as much as $142 billion for education.[2] This includes the creation of a $79 billion State Fiscal Stabilization Fund to assist state governments in providing public educa­tion and other services. The act also includes signifi­cant spending increases for current and proposed federal programs for K-12, postsecondary, and early childhood education.

This approach is bad economic policy and bad education policy. An unprecedented federal spending increase for education will not improve economic growth--and past experience strongly suggests that this plan will not improve American educational per­formance. Instead of a massive federal spending increase, Congress should embrace fiscally responsi­ble solutions to help states meet fiscal challenges and improve educational services.

Science and Math in the Stimulus
While the stimulus provides a major cash infusion to the nation’s schools, the flow of federal money to school and college “STEM” education efforts, in particular, is smaller and more difficult to track.

STEM Coalition Letter to leaders recovery stimulus monies


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