Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Clinton Obama Choice SOS

We considered this thought the instant Hillary Clinton's name was rumored under consideration for any Cabinet position.

What do the Clintons have on Obama?
What experience does Hillary have to run State? Camille Paglia

...As for Obama's appointment of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, what sense does that make except within parochial Democratic politics? Awarding such a prize plum to Hillary may be a sop to her aggrieved fan base, but what exactly are her credentials for that position? Aside from being a mediocre senator (who, contrary to press reports, did very little for upstate New York), Hillary has a poor track record as both a negotiator and a manager. And of course both Clintons constantly view the world through the milky lens of their own self-interest. Well, it's time for Hillary to put up or shut up. If she gets as little traction in world affairs as Condoleezza Rice has, Hillary will be flushed down the rabbit hole with her feckless husband and effectively neutralized as a future presidential contender. If that's Obama's clever plan, is it worth the gamble? The secretary of state should be a more reserved, unflappable character -- not a drama queen who, even in her acceptance speech, morphed into three different personalities in the space of five minutes.

Given Obama's elaborate deference to the Clintons, beginning with his over-accommodation of them at the Democratic convention in August, a nagging question has floated around the Web: What do the Clintons have on him? No one doubts that the Clinton opposition research team was turning over every rock in its mission to propel Hillary into the White House. There's an information vacuum here that conspiracy theorists have been rushing to fill.

But we dismissed the potential the Clintons had anything of import on Obama like an extramarital affair, dual citizenship, or anything of any real impact on Obama. In fact, if they have anything, we can believe insiders have had it first, and passed it on to the Clintons some how, some way.

Notice we've posted previously about those little known entities with mega-influence on our government.

Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group.

We've also exclusively that we can tell informed of Carl Bernstein's observation during the Democrat Primaries before Obama claimed the nomination of that party that the Clintons were using "psychological warfare" against Barack Obama.

We would not put it past the Clintons to use more psychological warfare and internal inside info on the people behind the scenes, behind the curtain.

That would include hinting if Obama isn't complying with what the Clintons desire, some role for at least Hillary, the Clintons will expose the entities behind the 'machine.'

Such wouldn't be surprising since Bill Clinton is well-known to be in the "know" about the workings of secretive groups as not only was Clinton a Rhodes Scholar, he noted his mentor as the author of Tragedy and Hope. Carroll Quigley.

Bill Clinton Tragedy and Hope

Dr. Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope reveals a Call by Cecil Rhodes for an “American Union” J.R. / Jones Report | May 30, 2008

...” Clinton specifically referenced Dr. Quigley in his autobiography, Bill Clinton- My Life, when he wrote, “Quigley’s insights had a particularly lasting impact… (so) from the 1992 campaign through my two terms in office, I quoted Professor Quigley’s line often (Clinton: 77-78).”...

According to Dr. Quigley, “ by the middle 1890's Rhodes had a personal income of at least a million pounds sterling a year (then about five million dollars) which was spent so freely for his mysterious purposes…his desire to federate the English-speaking peoples and to bring all the habitable portions of the world under their control…leaving part of his great fortune to fund the Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford in order to spread the English ruling class tradition throughout the English-speaking world as (his mentor Professor at Oxford) Ruskin had wanted (Tragedy and Hope: 130-131).” It is interesting to note that former President Bill Clinton was a recipient of Rhodes Scholarship in 1968 along with extremely powerful and prominent individuals from predominantly the two political party paradigm including but not limited to Dean Rusk in 1931, U.S. Secretary of State, 1961-1969, in 1951 Richard N. Gardner U.S. Ambassador and CFR Director, in 1968 Strobe Talbott, American diplomat U.S. Deputy Secretary of State (1994-2001) and Time Magazine Editor-at-Large, Foreign Affairs journalist and President of the Brookings Institution, and in 1973 Richard N. Haass President of the Council on Foreign Relations and Director of the Policy Planning Staff at the U.S. Department of State, 2001-2003 ( All of these individuals are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Dr. Quigley exposed their matrix of complete control over individuals and society:

It is increasingly clear that, in the twentieth century, the expert will replace ... the democratic voter in control of the political system. Hopefully, the elements of choice and freedom may survive for the ordinary individual in that he may be free to make a choice between two opposing political groups (even if these groups have little policy choice within the parameters of policy established by the experts) and he may have the choice to switch his economic support from one large unit to another. But, in general, his freedom and choice will be controlled within very narrow alternatives by the fact that he will be numbered from birth and followed, as a number, through his educational training, his required military or other public service, his tax contributions, his health and medical requirements, and his final retirement and death benefits (Tragedy and Hope: 866).

Perhaps, this is the reason why a third party candidate has never won a presidential election in the history of the United States. Just as importantly, Dr. Quigley attested to the forces that have controlled and continue to control England and the United States:...

Barack Obama's Hope in the Heartland

Much like we said... and as well, it would be the same no matter which of the nominees were elected as President. Just look at the administration of past presidents.

Barack Obama: The CFR's man
Posted: November 11, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

© 2008

As I watched the press conference on Friday given by President-elect Barack Obama, I asked myself, "How did this 47-year-old African-American with no executive experience and only three years in the Senate become the most powerful political leader in the entire world?" All I had to do was look at the panoply of Washington Wise Men standing in back of him to understand how all of this happened.

As Carroll Quigley revealed in his remarkable book, "Tragedy and Hope," the financial powers in America control both major political parties, and they choose who will run for president. They generally prefer a center-left president with liberal social views, but occasionally, as in the case of Reagan, they will get a center-right man who will be surrounded by the usual members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

These same interests managed to get Woodrow Wilson into the White House by dividing the Republicans. Once Wilson was in, they got both the Federal Reserve System and the income tax passed by Congress. The man who kept Wilson in line was Col. Edward Mandell House, a Rockefeller plant whose book, "Philip Dru: Administrator," clearly showed that he believed in a socialist system led by a Mussolini-type leader.

The Council was formed after World War I by the financial powers to make sure that they could control American foreign policy by controlling the presidency. After Wilson, the Republicans made a comeback with Warren Harding who died mysteriously while in office. Vice President Calvin Coolidge then became president. Herbert Hoover succeeded him in 1929, just in time for the Stock Market crash and the start of the Great Depression caused by the Federal Reserve's tight money policies. The major financial interests had gotten out of the market before the crash and were able to pick up the pieces at bargain prices. In fact, it was during the Depression that the Rockefellers were able to build Rockefeller Center.

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