Friday, March 02, 2007

Bill O'Reilly Uncovered Between Book Cover You Decide

Keith Olbermann interviewed Marvin Kitman Thursday night. I happened to catch the entire session because Smallville was a repeat. Kitman's book, entitled The Man Who Would Not Shut Up, is about Bill O'Reilly. Right off, Kitman called O'Reilly a hypocrit who professed an interest in telling it like it is, but who doesn't when it comes to himself. Kitman said O'Reilly went around to visit Fox anchors to intimidate them to refuse to have Kitman on their programs. Kitman also said Bill O'Reilly will not make any reference to his work which overall treats O'Reilly in a postitive way. Kitman and Olbermann gave each other Cheshire cat smiles throughout the interview. At one point, Kitman said he hopes O'Reilly sues him over the contents of the book, like he did Al Franken.

Olbermann responded (transcript)Yes, he made Franken. He made me and now maybe he can make your book. All right Marv, take care.

I came away wondering whether the real Bill O'Reilly (or anybody) could be uncovered between the covers of a book written by someone who laughs at his own work.

Countdown Transcript March 1, 2007

Marvin Kitman Bill O'Reilly search

Writing the Book on O’Reilly
By: SilentPatriot @ 2:45 PM - PST

Marvin Kitman of Newsday has a new book out titled The Man Who Would Not Shut Up: The Rise of Bill O'Reilly. At first Bill was very supportive of Mr. Kitman and even promised to help promote the book on The Factor. That was until it came out, of course. Keith talks to Kitman about BillO's 180 and his strategy to deal with the whole Andrea Mackris ordeal.

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