Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Merger of nations taking place?

New American North American Union Invasion

Comprehensive links to material about Security Prosperity Partnership, North American Union, etc.

See this video: CNN- Lou Dobbs Outs Those Involved in the North American Union and Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP)

October 2007

Is NAFTA road through here about trade - or treachery?
Gabriela Rico, Arizona Daily Star, 29 June 2008

JBS freedom campaign meetups

Why is Congress failing to perform one of its essential constitutional duties: securing and maintaining our national borders so as to preserve our nation’s freedom and independence for the benefit of our citizens? John F. McManus, president of The John Birch Society, answered this question succinctly in The New American magazine: “In short, the border remains open and the federal government is doing nothing of substance to close it because it is Bush administration policy to merge with Mexico and Canada and actually abolish both borders.”

In fact, a special issue of The New American (“Merger in the Making,” October 15, 2007) was entirely devoted to the convincing evidence that certain political and academic elites in the United States, Mexico, and Canada are working to merge the three nations into a North American Union (NAU) modeled after the EU in Europe. This NAU would create open borders inside North America, which would eliminate the problem of illegal immigration across our present national borders by legalizing all migration anywhere within North America.

This helps explain why so many in Congress, particularly in the Senate, propose amnesty and temporary-worker legislation as a solution to illegal immigration. They know that the borders are slated to be open as part of the NAU merger process. In 2005, President Bush and his counterparts in Mexico and Canada established a Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), which serves as a transitional regional structure to facilitate the NAU merger. However, even with the SPP already established, Congress still has a role to play in the formation of the NAU by passing the necessary immigration laws to make unimpeded migration throughout North America a reality.

JBS Letter

Many Americans remain unaware of the simple historical fact that our nation was created by the states, not the reverse. The federal system built by our nation’s Founders established a national government with very few duties and limited powers. Each state was to remain independent in most areas. This system ultimately assured that the American people would make our nation the most powerful and productive in modern history.

In more recent years, the federal government has usurped many of the powers of the states, and the federal government has begun taking steps that would merge the United States with Mexico and Canada into an independence-compromising regional government called the North American Union (NAU).

It sounds like a fantasy, or a bad dream, but it is not. The enclosed copy of “Merger in the Making,” the North American Union Edition of The New American magazine for October 15, 2007, describes an ongoing process for merging the United States with Mexico and Canada based on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) of North America. If this merger process is not blocked, the three countries in North America would become, in effect, a single entity. Our borders would essentially be erased, Canadian and Mexican law enforcement personnel would be integrated into our new Homeland Security Department, and a huge NAFTA Superhighway system would be erected among the three countries to facilitate delivery of Mexican and Chinese goods to the U.S. and Canada. Such a highway system (see pages 31-33 of the enclosed magazine), considered to be critical infrastructure for integrating North America, would lead to increased illegal immigration, large-scale eminent domain takings of private property along the planned highways, and increased law enforcement problems along these same highways.

This proposed highway system appears to be designed to bypass U.S. longshoremen and teamsters for our China trade by making it possible to offload Chinese goods at Mexican ports onto Mexican trucks and trains for delivery throughout the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. For more information on this proposed highway system, please read the enclosed copy of “Merger in the Making,” the North American Union Edition of The New American for October 15, 2007, especially the article about the “NAFTA Superhighways” on pages 31-33.

We need your help to prevent the further wage and job losses threatened by the “open borders” vision of the SPP/North American Union and the NAFTA superhighways project. For your family, your freedom, your state, and your country, please help win approval in our state legislature for: (1) an anti-NAU resolution (copy attached) asking Congress “To withdraw the U.S. from the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America and any other bilateral or multilateral activity which seeks to create a North American Union;” and (2) a repeal NAFTA resolution (copy attached) asking Congress “To withdraw the U.S. from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in accordance with Article 2205 of the agreement.” Copies of these model resolutions are also available at

We invite your response and look forward to working with you to preserve the American system as originally intended by the Founding Fathers...

Free PDF Download (4 MB) of "Merger in the Making: North American Union Edition," October 15, 2007, special issue of The New American magazine, 48 pp.

Related a Must Read

Dismissal of NAU plan

The same right-wing populist fears of a collectivist one-world government and new world order that fueled Cold War anticommunism, mobilized opposition to the Civil Rights Movement, and spawned the armed citizens militia movement in the 1990s, have resurfaced as an elaborate conspiracy theory about the alleged impending creation of a North American Union that would merge the United States, Canada, and Mexico.1

No such merger is seriously being contemplated by any of the three governments...

...Right-Wing Populism

Progressives need to recognize the pitfalls of right-wing populist rhetoric, especially when mixed with producerism and apocalypticism, because this constellation of processes generates conspiracy theories that demonize and scapegoat targeted groups rather than focusing on transformative social change to extend human rights.

Across wide segments of the secular and Christian Right you can find conspiracy theorists mobilized through the rhetorical style of right-wing populism.64 Jean Hardisty refers to this process as “mobilizing resentment.”65 Populist antielitism as a rhetorical style often takes the form of attacks on liberals, secularists, intellectuals, the news media, and Hollywood.66 Allegations that these elites are part of a vast conspiracy against the common people are frequently interwoven into the fabric of the stories that are told—sometimes with references to Satanic End Times plots tied to prophecies in the book of Revelation.67

Right-wing populism often is based on racialized, patriarchal, and heterosexist narratives that buttress a sense of privilege and entitlement among a targeted audience of straight white Christian men who see themselves as victims. It tends to frame economic questions in terms of hard working producers pitted against parasites above and below.68 This technique was used to mobilize poor and working class whites against newly freed Black former slaves after the Civil War.69 It was utilized by George Wallace in his first Presidential campaign, and later borrowed by Richard Nixon and the Republican Party to create the “Southern Strategy.”70 It exists in stories of “welfare queens” where race need not be mentioned.71

There is also a natural historic congruence between the Calvinist-based theology of many white evangelicals, and the ideology of Free Markets and less government regulation fostered by the Republican Party.72 Doug Henwood points out that despite accurate criticisms of some of his overly-broad conclusions, the work of historian Richard Hofstadter helps explain this connection:

Hofstadter’s emphasis on the individualism of American white Protestantism is highly relevant now—it illuminates what’s the matter with Kansas, since American white Protestants love “The Market” as an instrument of reward and discipline. That love is not some recent confidence trick perpetrated by Karl Rove, but has deep roots.73...

...We have a natural and appropriate distrust of governments that choose to work in secret. Robert Alan Goldberg observes that conspiracism “thrives when power is exercised at a distance by seemingly selfish groups zealous in their authority.”77 One obvious antidote to widespread conspiracism, then, is to reduce government secrecy and increase the transparency of government operations and reinvigorate public participation in governance.

It is clear that some white racial supremacist and neofascist organizers use conspiracist theories that do not appear to have racist or antisemitic themes as a relatively less-threatening entry point in making contact with potential recruits. Phrases such as “international bankers,” “welfare queens,” and “one world government” are interpreted in different ways by different listeners, and can be viewed as coded appeals with bigoted subtexts.

This means that even when conspiracist theories do not center on Jews, people of color, or other scapegoated groups, conspiracism creates an environment where racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, and other forms of prejudice, bigotry, and oppression are likely to flourish. Decent people of all political stripes need to denounce conspiracy theories as toxic to democracy.

Conspiracy theories about the impending creation of a North American Union are now seeping into discussions within progressive political circles. This not only is a waste of time and energy that is already in short supply on the political Left, but steals attention and resources from important progressive campaigns to challenge unfair trade, development, and economic policies in Mexico, Canada, and the United States. Conspiracy theories undermine struggles for human rights.

. . .

A collection of images, charts, and slide shows related to this article are posted online by Political Research Associates at . Unless otherwise noted, all URLs were retrieved February 2, 2008.

Chip Berlet is Senior Analyst at Political Research Associates and a member of The Public Eye editorial board. He is author with Matthew N. Lyons of Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort and a frequent contributor to Talk2Action and Huffington Post.

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