Sunday, August 26, 2007

A Dying Read?

With the advent of the internet and blogs - a new crop of reporter has arisen. Called citizen journalists, bloggers across the world can report as-seen news in mere minutes of the "happenings."

One need only look to the 2006 elections in the United States to determine the effect such reporting has had on consumers.

In Westmoreland County, PA, for instance, there was no waiting until the next day's newspapers for Internet users and voting integrity activists and others to learn that machines had been misprogrammed with the incorrect electiond date thus causing a temporary shut-down of the electronic voting machines.

Is the traditional beat reporter going the way of the dinosaur?

Black and white and all over?
Rachel Buchanan
August 25, 2007
Page 1 of 5
INK, ribbons, hot metal, blue pencils, spikes, stones, presses, plates, blue collars, scalpels, rulers, picture wheels, wire photos, carbon copies, cigarettes, tubs of photographic chemicals: newspaper offices used to be places where you would always get your hands dirty. Only snobs or big heads called themselves journalists. The rest of us were reporters...

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