Monday, November 02, 2009

Voting by Mail Current Concerns

We agree there are serious concerns with all mail voting as currently employed across the United States. Far more stringent voting registration regulations are necessary across the country. But not just for absentee voting. Precinct voting can be packed with ineligibles as well, with the potential for fraud when the voting registration records remain as is in some cases for decades and decades.

Meanwhile, the names of deceased remain on voting lists as well as names of persons who have long since changed address to out of state or district.

Start with as accurate a voting registration database as is humanly possible. Train and train local pollworkers and judges of election on whichever voting systems have been adopted.

It's unconscionable to have the latest in technology in elections and 'scared of the machines' like mentality among pollworkers.

Also a must in every precinct, paper ballots with optical scans. Unbelievably most PA counties have only one system, the direct recording electronic which still in PA does not have at the least the paper trail. While there is controversy over the use of "voter verified paper audit trail" - concerns over degradability, printer jams - at best the voter should be able to "view" selections on paper before casting the screen ballot.

Such is not a receipt and the voter doesn't take the paper out of the polling place.

Paper ballots with optical scanners should be available in every precinct if we're still going the way of precinct-based voting.

Voters should be afforded a choice of voting system.

Net the Truth Online

PA partial report

National change of address program

search results

PA Director of Elections and Director of Voter Registration (survey)

Precinct use and misuse of provisionals

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