Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Border Agents Denied Appeal

This is the sickest ruling ever in the recent history of the United States. What are the judges thinking? Protect the government? Over and above real justice.

CNN's Lou Dobbs covered the debacle for the past couple of years.

Dobbs Tonight Archives link for several years worth of coverage


It's hard to believe the pair were even convicted. Before and since the incarceration of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, Dobbs interviewed the federal Attorney General, Johnny Sutton, who prosecuted Ramos and Compean, using a law rarely applied. Dobbs also interviewed federal representatives who mounted a defense and wanted President Bush to pardon the pair. Bush declined.

Sad day in history.

Kitty Pilgrim hosted in Dobbs place last evening, and noted the injustice.

We've tracked the issue from early on. Use key words to conduct a search of our site.

Net the Truth Online


America's Budget Bust; Feds Will Rescue Mortgage Giants; McCain Blasts Obama's Energy Plan; Border Betrayal; Amnesty Agenda Protests Immigration Raids; FDA Slow on Drug Warnings Aired July 28, 2008

...Also tonight, a devastating ruling for former border patrol agents Ramos and Compean and their families. A federal appeal's court rejects their appeal and allows their convictions to stand...

PILGRIM: A shocking development tonight in the case that we've been following closely on the program for years now. Former border patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean sentenced to lengthy prison terms for shooting and wounding an illegal alien drug smuggler. Well the smuggler, now a convicted felon, was given immunity by the federal government to testify against the two agents. And today, the federal appeals court has finally weighed in on the case. And Casey Wian has our story -- Casey.

CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Kitty, former border patrol agents Ramos and Compean, their families and supporters have been waiting for more than seven months for the court of appeals to rule on their case. Today the judges did, unanimously upholding the convictions that led to the agents being sentenced to more than 10 years in prison. The 45-page decision is shocking to the agent's supporters because in December during the hearing before the appeals court, two of the three appellate judges raised serious questions about the government's prosecution of the agents. We spoke this evening with Ignacio Ramos' wife Monica (ph). She was in tears. She talked to her husband by phone from prison and she says he is in a great deal of shock and extremely concerned for their three young sons. Supporters were optimistic the judges would overturn the charge of using a firearm to commit a crime which carries a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence. Texas Congressman Ted Poe, also a judge himself, a former judge himself, released a statement saying "it was never the intent of Congress to have the 924c charge apply to law enforcement officers, carrying a firearm is a requirement of the job."

Congressman Duncan Hunter says Agents Ramos and Compean were convicted based on the testimony of a known drug dealer that has since been convicted for running drugs across the border. The fact that the drug dealer's criminal activity persisted even as he took the stand against the agents is reason enough to vacate these two convictions."

Congressman Brian Bilbray and Dana Rohrabacher both called on President Bush to immediately pardon the agents, which he has so far refused to do. Attorneys for both agents say they plan to begin legal proceedings for the court to reconsider its decision. And if that fails they'll likely take the case to the Supreme Court.

They are, however, encouraged the court did overturn the agents' convictions for obstruction of justice which could provide a legal avenue for the agents to challenge the entire decision. And Kitty, just seconds ago we got a statement from U.S. attorney in Texas Johnny Sutton (ph). We didn't get a chance to read that entire statement but he says predictably that he is pleased by the court's ruling. This validates his office's decision to prosecute these two agents -- Kitty.

PILGRIM: As he has done aggressively. The obstruction of justice issue, Casey, now does that give them an opening to overturn this? How do they proceed from here? What's next?

WIAN: There is some complicated legal maneuvering ahead. The way I understand it is that the attorneys have now 14 days to re- appeal this case, if you will, to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. They can appeal it to the same three judges who made this ruling.

They can also do an on-bunk (ph) appeal which is to all of the judges in the Fifth Circuit. If that fails, they can then reopen this case or attempt to reopen this case with a district court that convicted the agents because some of the charges were overturned, those charges that didn't carry as much jail time.

If that avenue fails, then they will likely take this all the way to the Supreme Court. They say they're not done fighting. Monica Ramos, Ignacio's family says to all of the supporters of the agents out there do not give up hope because they are going to continue to fight this case -- Kitty.

PILGRIM: There are avenues open. Thanks very much. Casey Wian. Thanks, Casey. This brings us to our poll question tonight: Now do you believe the appeal's court decision to uphold Ramos and Compean's sentence is an outrageous miscarriage of justice that should be corrected? Cast your vote at loudobbs.com. We'll bring you the results a little bit later in the broadcast.

Open borders amnesty advocates are again trying to block enforcement of laws that prohibit the employment of illegal aliens. Now hundreds of protesters descended on the tiny town of Postville, Iowa, over the weekend. And that's where in mid-May some 390 workers were picked up in the largest immigration raid at a single place of business in American history. And Mary Snow reports...


Sunday, July 27, 2008

Afganistan Oil Pipeline Conspiracy Needs Obama Fact Check

Now that Barack Obama has mentioned support for dealing with Afganistan quickly, it's time to bring back the memory of the controversy surrounding an unfinished, but reportedly planned oil pipeline to be located in Afgahanistan.

Blogs and websites were running rampant with theories after September 11, 2001 concerning a desired route through the nation.

Senator Obama should devote fact-checking segments to determine the truth of allegations concerning U. S. policy there, and if proven untrue, establish that immediately or risk application of similar theories to his bid for the White House...

Net the Truth Online

Originally investigated for "This Is Not A Conspiracy Theory," the forerunner website to Net the Truth Online.


Pre-dates This is Not A Conspiracy Theory


Afghanistan conspiracy theorists
There’s much to question or criticize about the Bush adminstration’s war on terror as waged in Afghanistan, but you’re nuts if you think it’s about oil


Pipe Dreams: The origin of the "bombing Afghanistan for oil pipelines" theory (Lefties Proved Liars)
Slate ^ | December 6, 2001 | Seth Stevenson

Posted on Monday, December 10, 2001 12:04:18 PM by Timesink


America has wanted a new government in Afghanistan since at least 1998, three years before the attacks on 11 September 2001. The official report from a meeting of the U.S. Government's foreign policy committee on 12 February 1998, available on the U.S. Government website, confirms that the need for a West-friendly government was recognised long before the War on Terror that followed September 11th:


Compilation of links


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mike Gallagher: global warming concensus theory hype joke

Mike Gallagher on Fox News this morning discussing Al Gore's energy plan.

global warming is hype... It's a joke... there's a million scientists who dispute the concensus global warming fossil fuels... it's a hoax and Al Gore is the punchline...


Not all global warmers: American Physical Society Some Members Skeptics Too

American Physical Society

Not all agree global warming caused by manmade emissions CO2...

Fox News spot reported Friday.

Special Report w/ Brit Hume

Political Grapevine
The idea that there is a scientific consensus about global warming takes another big hit

Following up...

Here's the Fox News report clip

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Change of Heart

An organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists has reversed its stance on climate change. The American Physical Society now says that many of its members no longer believe global warming is caused by humans.

The Society previously declared: "The evidence is incontrovertible. Global warming is occurring." But the Society now says there is no scientific consensus to support that statement: "There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who do not agree with the intergovernmental panel on climate change conclusion that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are likely to be primarily responsible for global warming."


It's not like skeptics haven't been of a professional background before this. Check our site archives for listing of scientists, skeptics among them, Ronald Bailey's writings until his trip to a UN Climate Change Conference in 2005 where upon return he sang: "We're All Global Warmers, Now," Bill Gray, and the Great Global Warming Scandal video...

But unfortunately, the Fox News clip report is entitled incorrectly. And its first sentence is wholly misleading.

The American Physical Association did not as a whole change its position. Some of the members have written a paper which continues the debate...

Read the update response after the initial report made the mainstream news rounds...

Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate
Michael Asher (Blog) - July 16, 2008 9:35 PM

The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming. The APS is also sponsoring public debate on the validity of global warming science. The leadership of the society had previously called the evidence for global warming "incontrovertible."...

Updated 7/17/2008

After publication of this story, the APS responded with a statement that its Physics and Society Forum is merely one unit within the APS, and its views do not reflect those of the Society at large.


The follow-up we try to get the situation down to as clear as clear can be, but sometimes it all remains smoggy, cloudy, hazy...

Net the Truth Online

Saturday, November 10, 2007
NO 'Consensus' on "Man-Made" Global Warming


Many a noted scientist are actually acknowledging a plateau in the earth's warming trend and that the earth is actually cooling...

Read interview with Jennifer Marohasy, a biologist and senior fellow of Melbourne-based think tank the Institute of Public Affairs.

Anyone in public life who takes a position on the greenhouse gas hypothesis will ignore it at their peril.


Scientist: Earth Cooling, Not Warming

Thursday, April 24, 2008 10:53 AM

By: Philip V. Brennan Article Font Size

A San Francisco-based scientist says that current solar activity strongly indicates that the earth is on the verge of a new ice age.

"Sorry to ruin the fun, but an ice age cometh," warns Phil Chapman writing in The Australian. Chapman is a geophysicist and astronautical engineer who was the first Australian to become a NASA astronaut.

"The scariest photo I have seen . . . is at www.spaceweather.com, where you will find a real-time image of the sun from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory [SOHO], located in deep space at the equilibrium point between solar and terrestrial gravity," Chapman wrote, adding ominously that "what is scary about the picture is that there is only one tiny sunspot."


Here's a link about the American Physical Association some of the membership disagreeing that there is a concensus, posted by scout.com and we'll include the last line.

Note, in light of this recent development, CNN apparently reran a portion of its series globe in Peril last night. this was after Larry King interviewed supporters of UFO aliens are out there along with debunkers... we'll post about that, too.

Like scientists who disagree with the Global Warming Theory "concensus" aren't scientists... geesh...

Whew a slew of links happy reading


And more discussion and info from Hot Air

Consensus collapses: APS re-opens debate on global warming; Update:

APS “reaffirms” stanceposted at 8:34 am on July 18, 2008 by Ed Morrissey
The American Physical Society had been a proponent of the “consensus” on anthropogenic global warming/climate change — until now. While the main organization has not addressed its position — yet — a major unit within APS has declared global warming unproven and that the IPCC’s conclusions unsupportable. The APS will re-open the debate on global warming with a new paper accusing the IPCC of deliberate obfuscation (via Memeorandum):


Also see


Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate
Michael Asher (Blog) - July 16, 2008 9:35 PM

The American Physical Society, an organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming. The APS is also sponsoring public debate on the validity of global warming science. The leadership of the society had previously called the evidence for global warming "incontrovertible."

In a posting to the APS forum, editor Jeffrey Marque explains,"There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who do not agree with the IPCC conclusion that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are very probably likely to be primarily responsible for global warming that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution."

The APS is opening its debate with the publication of a paper by Lord Monckton of Brenchley, which concludes that climate sensitivity -- the rate of temperature change a given amount of greenhouse gas will cause -- has been grossly overstated by IPCC modeling. A low sensitivity implies additional atmospheric CO2 will have little effect on global climate.

Larry Gould, Professor of Physics at the University of Hartford and Chairman of the New England Section of the APS, called Monckton's paper an "expose of the IPCC that details numerous exaggerations and "extensive errors"

In an email to DailyTech, Monckton says, "I was dismayed to discover that the IPCC's 2001 and 2007 reports did not devote chapters to the central 'climate sensitivity' question, and did not explain in proper, systematic detail the methods by which they evaluated it. When I began to investigate, it seemed that the IPCC was deliberately concealing and obscuring its method."

According to Monckton, there is substantial support for his results, "in the peer-reviewed literature, most articles on climate sensitivity conclude, as I have done, that climate sensitivity must be harmlessly low."...

Updated 7/17/2008

After publication of this story, the APS responded with a statement that its Physics and Society Forum is merely one unit within the APS, and its views do not reflect those of the Society at large.


Monday, July 14, 2008

No Need for PA Convention to Downsize Legislature

Making the rounds of Pennsylvania discussion forums again, a Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention, for something, anything...

We've covered the dangers of such extensively - see our sidebar info... on PA Constitutional Convention

Selected links




Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Response pacleansweep: A reflection upon a Pa. convention



PA state reps Galloway and King want a referendum for a PA Constitutional Convention - the referendum would be submitted, according to reports posted, this November 2008. Gee isn't that kind of rushed? Also isn't the most important election in our nation's history about to take place this November 2008? Why a rush to push a selection of delegates and authorize convening a convention - whenever - at this point in time? What on earth is the rush? How about we see if H. William DeWeese gets kicked out, and other oath-breakers?


Reps. Galloway, King: Time to review the state's constitution

Lawmakers call for citizens' constitutional convention


Update Galloway video everybody else has these conventions, why can't we... have a study? A study is different than actually convening a convention...


Update links to hearings held on call for convention



Monday, July 14, 2008 - 1:58 PM EDT
Pa. lawmakers call for constitutional convention

Two Democratic legislators from Bucks County announced efforts on Monday to get a referendum placed on November's ballot, calling for a citizens' constitutional convention.

Pennsylvania's constitution last received a limited review in 1967 and hasn't been significantly updated since 1857, said state Rep. John Galloway, who along with state Rep. Chris King, introduced legislation to get the referendum placed on the Nov. 4 ballot.


Update Times Tribune legislators should sign on to PA Con-Con cause they are so ethically-challenged and bonusgate happened...

Corruption needs response Hold session on integrity, constitutional convention
Published: Friday, July 18, 2008


Update Donald Hoffman OK with a PA Constitutional convention for...

Another View

Pennsylvania needs a coalition of reformers
Donald Hoffman
July 15, 2008


Update Mark wants one for...

Friday, July 18, 2008
Democracy Rising Reports about the PA Folly
Posted by Mark Rauterkus


Tim Potts Democracy Rising PA for...

Tuesday, Jul. 15, 2008
Pennsylvania can and must do much better


Grassroots PA Say it isn't so?? OK only Diamond (and Conservative Goddess) hot on support. Everybody else is looking behind the public image mirror... especially regarding Chris King.

Capitolman | 2008-07-15 18:21:57 | +1

King thinks that this will take some of the heat off of him for accepting a $5,000 bonus while he took part of the year off to campaign in 2006. Folks aren’t that stupid, Chris!!


Russ Diamond continues to stomp for a Pennsylvania citizen's constitutional convention. There, in the grassroots PA Forum


And For... well, whatever comes up, like bonusgate outrage

what're the next steps for PA Clean Sweep asks a PA Clean sweep poster to the topic Bonusgate Pics

Diamond responds in the large letters



and for what purpose, why... incumbents just don't face party challengers in the Primary, oh no... call a Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention... just can't get enough people to elect me for representative of 101st District, instead of... an incumbent

Slim and none


See below for more Diamond spin.

Problem as we see it - a PA Constitutional Convention cannot be made to stay "limited" by an enabling act, once the delegates convene... delegates don't like gun rights... bye bye. A new Constitution could be crafted, in fact, and then submitted to the people who might, yes, might say OK. Courts would have no recourse to overturn because the "people" ok'd the deal...

We'll keep tracking, especially with talk of a potential this November for a referendum question to call a convention in 2009. And, those delegates, why they'd be chosen this November.

Again, seem kind of rushed to you?

If the people wake up to their true power which is in their hands every couple of years, it's called the ballot box, the legislators won't need to call a special session for integrity, or anything else. They'll fear they won't be sent back to Harrisburg if they don;t shape up.

The Constitution of PA is not broken, nor does it need tampered with and fixed to get "good government."

Good government comes with good people. Elect only those who adhere to the PA Constitution (and U.S. Constitution) - and dismiss all others who don't.

Net the Truth Online

Original post included

PA Clean Sweep

There are currently two bills aimed at enabling a constitutional convention in Pennsylvania, HB649 and SB291. Both bills follow the 1967 convention model, which is unacceptable in today’s atmosphere.

Despite the deficiencies in both bills, we awarded 3 points to all co-sponsors (X) to reward their acknowledgement that a major restructing effort is required to steer the Commonwealth back on the right track. Others (Z) have publicly indicated definitive support for a constitutional convention. If a better bill is introduced, we'll adjust this category accordingly.


See Diamond's posting at Penn Live Capitol Forum

7177.1. You Don't Need
by RussDiamond, 5/28/08 20:19 ET


Apparently, state Sen. James Ferlo wants a convention to reign in the ethically-challenged state legislators so appropriate in the midst of the recent announcement of indictments related to bonus-gate...

Watch if they don't try to sell us a convention to make them stop such illegal activities...

Our sidebar links include material that shows the dangers of calling a convention, even one that might be considered limited via an enabling act.

Our state legislators just don't get it. Neither do many others. It's not the PA Constitution's fault the state elite took payraises during the same year they authorized a salary increase - all done to skirt the existing law as outlined in the PA Constitution. It's the legislators.

We don't need a convention to downsize the state legislature, rachet back the salaries of legislative staff, or have our legislators eliminate their own unconstitutional perks, etc.

We need legislators who read the PA Constitution, understand its intent, and then follow it.

Net the Truth Online

Corbett mounts war against 'culture of corruption'
By Brad Bumsted
Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Too much power rests with individuals based on seniority," said Sen. Jim Ferlo, D-Highland Park. He has sponsored a bill that would authorize a limited constitutional convention to curtail things such as leaders' power, salaries and the size of legislative staffs.


Penn Live Forum 7395. PA Constitutional Convention?
by onceaDZ, 7/14/08 12:35 ET
How do we the voters go about getting our Pennsylvania constitution reformed? I should know this from high school Civics classes, but that was a while ago. We need to amend the Pennsylvania constitution to 1) make our legislature part-time again (no more career state legislators) 2) reduce the number of legislators, and 3) impose term limits. Why should anyone be permitted to serve longer than the Chief Executive? A maximum 8-year term, and scuttle the salary&benefits-for-life after one has served. I so agree with Reeves' column in today's Patriot-News. How do we make that happen?

7396. Maybe we need
by jenmil, 7/14/08 13:01 ET
a march on the steps for a Constitutional Convention. Just like we did against the payraise.


7177.1. You Don't Need
by RussDiamond, 5/28/08 20:19 ET
Re: Kingdom for attorney by IMmattfoley, 5/28/08
a legal background to explain it.

The statutory and/or constitutional changes required to make this happen are a simple matter of accumulating the sufficient votes necessary in the legislature.

But because lawyers stand to lose big in a "loser pays" system, because they pretty much own the executive branch, the judicial branch, and have many of their members peppered amongst the General Assembly, the chances of attaining sufficient numbers to make it happen are quite diminished.

Pennsylvania allowed the lawyers to fully take over government in the 1960s, to include re-writing nearly the entire Constitution to their liking, and now we're feeling the brunt of it 40 years later.

Just one more reason why we need a citizens' constitutional convention a la SB1290.

I'm not bashing lawyers here - there are some good ones - but this is the reality of PA.


Folmer pushes for "citizens' convention"

HARRISBURG — Lebanon County Sen. Mike Folmer has started a new push
for the state's first constitutional convention in four decades.
Folmer sponsored a bill that would allow 150 ordinary citizens to
decide on changes to the state's fundamental laws. It's the latest
call for a constitutional convention since the aborted legislative
pay raise of 2005 focused newfound attention on how the state works.

Lebanon Daily News
March 3, 2008

Yet convening one appears to be a long shot.


Legislature needs to be downsized

...The size of our lawmakers' staffs is out of whack and getting wackier.

The question is: Do we need such a large, full-time Legislature? How do other states govern with fewer lawmakers working far less time on their legislative duties?


Outlining the pros of a new 'con con'
Sunday, February 25, 2007


PA Constitution


Just found

Planning official wants to make municipal consolidation easier

Elwin Green, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The new chairman of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission called for a state constitutional convention yesterday to rewrite Pennsylvania law so that local governments can more easily consolidate...The report, compiled by PolicyLink, a California think tank, advocates regional development that "reduces economic and social disparities" by such initiatives as reverse-commute programs that provide transportation between suburban employers and inner-city neighborhoods, and land banks that recycle vacant and abandoned properties.



Saturday, February 24, 2007
State Senate discusses constitutional convention
Friday, February 23, 2007
By Ann Belser, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Voters in Pennsylvania could have a new state constitution to ratify as soon as the next presidential election.

But there's a lot to do if that's going to happen.

The state Senate Government Committee, headed by Sen. Jeffrey E. Piccola, R-Dauphin, held its first in a series of hearings yesterday on convening a constitutional convention for the first time in 40 years.

Sen. Jim Ferlo, D-Highland Park, was the first speaker on the proposal at the hearing held at Duquesne University Law School. Mr. Ferlo had proposed a bill calling for a constitutional convention during the last legislative session and has introduced his bill again.

Mr. Ferlo said a constitutional convention could address legislative salaries, the size of the Legislature, "procedural issues such as lame duck sessions and the process for the introduction, amending and adoption of bills."


This post was updated Friday July 18, 2008

PA Home Rule Study Abandoned

Too bad. But it is difficult for change to be acceptable to those who are 'winning' elections...

Lawrence County abandons home rule study


Among links posted at


Friday, July 11, 2008

Danger National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cyril Wecht Questions New Evidence Ramsey Murder

Cyril Wecht presented his belief a family member had to be responsible for Jonbenet Ramsey's murder...

Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey?


Wecht responds to recent new analysis...

Dr. Cyril Wecht Responds To New Evidence in JonBenet Ramsey Murder
DNA Clears Ramsey Family

POSTED: 10:36 pm EDT July 9, 2008
UPDATED: 11:49 pm EDT July 9, 2008

PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht responded to news that prosecutors have cleared JonBenet Ramsey's parents and brother in her murder.

The Boulder District Attorney said a new DNA test points to a mysterious outsider.

That test found skins cells on JonBenet's leggings that match a drop of blood found on her underwear.

"The fact that this other DNA was found at this time matches previous DNA which was thought to be a contaminant does not then alter the picture," said Wecht.

Wecht was not involved in the criminal investigation of the Ramsey murder but he reviewed all the evidence and eventually wrote a book about the case.

“Every male at the coroner's office, who may have touched the body, have they been tested for DNA, have comparisons been made with each and everyone of those people,” questioned Wecht.

Dr. Wecht said it's difficult for him to believe an outsider would have known about the hidden room in the basement, would have left no other evidence, that he would write a ransom note then leave the body behind. Wecht says none of this explains evidence of previous sexual abuse on JonBenet's body.

JonBenet’s father, Jon Ramsey, told police he carried her body upstairs after finding her so Wecht wondered where is his DNA? "How is it possible that some DNA of his did not get on her body and her clothing in that kind of transfer. Think about that," said Wecht...


Ramsey investigators now seek DNA match
Family cleared of suspicion in Colo. girl’s '96 murder, DA tells family in letter


JonBenet Ramsey Archives





Black Hole War

What else is going on?

Anyone wanting to know a good deal about black holes should read the excellent new book, The Black Hole War, by Leonard Susskind, which has just been released.


Fox Network O'Reilly Factor Doesn't Release All Jackson Tape

Jackson's Obama comments almost went unnoticed
A Fox News technician transcribing the tape overnight heard it, and it took off from there.
By Matea Gold, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
July 11, 2008

...Shine said the civil rights leader did not ask Fox News to hold back the tape. But before the network even aired his comments, Jackson went on CNN Wednesday afternoon to preemptively apologize.

Shortly afterward, Fox News teased the news of Jackson's remarks on "Special Report With Brit Hume." The network didn't air the more vulgar part of Jackson's comments for two more hours, when the clip ran on the top-rated show hosted by Bill O'Reilly.

"It was Bill's staff who had been working on it, and we felt it would be appropriate to put it there," Shine said.

O'Reilly told viewers that the network had decided to air only portions of what Jackson had said, saying there was "more damaging" material.

Shine declined to comment on what else Jackson said, adding that news executives were in discussions about whether to air more of the tape.


Saturday, July 05, 2008

PA Question: Consolidate School Management Equals Property Tax Elimination As Promised?

A plan put forth by state Representative Timothy Mahoney (D-Fayette) to "consolidate small school districts into a single countywide school district for the purposes of administration and taxing" is being circulated in the state House of Representatives. Should enough co-sponsors approve of the legislation, Rep. Mahoney will officially present the bill for a House vote.

As noted in a news release on the PA House website:

The proposal by Mahoney would allow county commissioners to place a referendum on the ballot asking residents if they support consolidating small school districts into a single, countywide school district for purposes of administration and taxing. The consolidation process could begin if at least two-thirds of voters approved the referendum...



The state legislator touts the proposal:

"Pennsylvania voters in small school districts should have a say in whether they want real tax reform and my legislation would save tax dollars by lowering operational costs in smaller school districts," Mahoney said.



Bill would put school unification plan on ballot
By Liz Zemba
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A Pennsylvania state legislator intends to introduce legislation to allow voters to approve a consolidation of small school districts into countywide districts.
In a press release issued Tuesday, state Rep. Timothy Mahoney, D-South Union, announced plans to introduce the legislation. The Fayette County lawmaker indicated he is seeking support from other lawmakers before proceeding with the proposal.

Under the proposed legislation, county commissioners would have the option of placing on the ballot a referendum seeking approval of consolidating school districts into a single countywide district.

Only fourth- through eighth-class counties would be eligible under the proposal. The consolidation process would begin only if at least two-thirds of voters approved of the measure.

Participating districts would retain their own school buildings, sports teams, mascots and individual identities. Consolidation would be for purposes of administration and taxing.
Should any districts approve of such a consolidation, county commissioners would then have the task of appointing three school directors to six-year terms. Directors would be limited to two terms, Mahoney said.

Mahoney claimed such consolidations will save tax dollars through lower operating costs, especially for small school districts.

School districts in Fayette, which is a fourth-class county, would be eligible to consider consolidation under the terms outlined by Mahoney...


A little missed question nobody seems to be asking?

How does this measure equate to real "school" property tax "reform?"

The problem identified for decades is PA's school property tax inequality and growth.

State legislators have grappled with how schools are funded, by a school property tax, and many current state legislators were sent to Harrisburg on their own promise to "eliminate" school property taxes, not just "reform" school property taxation.

Candidate for 51st District, Democrat Timothy Mahoney comment on elimination of property taxation


How will consolidating school district "management" eliminate school property taxes?

The current plan doesn't appear to eliminate school property taxation, replacing the system with some other form of taxation, say a sales tax.

Worse, the PA state legislature will still not have implemented a fair and equitable way to fund schools, so any purported cost savings by consolidating management will not translate to the abhorrent situation of taxpayers facing loss of residence or business for failure to pay their tax obligation.

Last September, state Rep. Tim Mahoney also publicly stated his two top priorites were open records legislation, and school property tax elimination.

He admitted publicly he agreed the tax exemption program, Keystone Opportunity Zones, were unfair, not uniform according to PA Constitution, and unconstitutional. He publicly stated his third top priority would be addressing KOZs.


Yet, when a bill to extend KOZs and expand them was presented in the House of Representatives, Rep. Mahoney voted yea.

HB 2297: Expansion of the Keystone Opportunity Zone

Issues: Budget, Spending and Taxes, Business and Consumers, Housing and Property Issues
Date: 05/07/2008


Search results coverage KOZs and Tim Mahoney


The legislation he's presenting in this measure can of course be said to be an effort to tackle the problematic situation of out of whack costs of school management and administration in the public domain.

But that isn't what Rep. Mahoney promised. He promised school property tax elimination, not mere reform, and not everything else but.

Under the plan proposed by state Rep. Mahoney, school boards will still exist with only 3 board members to be appoined by county commissioners? So when commissioners are not reelected, and the terms of school board directors expire, new commissioners would appoint school board directors?

This appears to be yet another way to appear to be doing something about school property reform, bit by bit, but actually not doing anything at all of any substance which will eliminate school property taxation.

Why not simply eliminate school property taxation for funding schools? Then, why not eliminate local school boards because there would be no need for local school boards? Then why not eliminate the monopoly of public schools? Let the best of the best compete for the sales tax big dollars. Then, what will happen? A new kind of growth will miraculously appear. The rise of competitive private schools to replace the entrenched public schools over time. Knock out the public school nepotism immediately since no private school administration will hire teachers only because they are related to somebody on the school board or administration.

School property taxation must go, that's the only goal that needs to be accomplished, even if that takes an amendment to the PA Constitution.

That's the referendum question that state legislators should be placing on local ballots. This November.

Simultaneously, KOZs must be abolished as state Rep. Tim Mahoney has admitted these are unfair, not uniform according to PA Constitution, and therefore unconstitutional.

The legislator continues to ignore his own words, and actually vote without question on extending KOZs.

Net the Truth Online

Herald-Standard article

Mahoney details consolidation plan
By Amy Zalar, Herald-Standard

Calling it a "win-win," state Rep. Timothy Mahoney said Wednesday he is introducing legislation to allow smaller school districts to consolidate into countywide districts that would keep the district identities intact but would change how districts are managed.

Mahoney, D-South Union Township, said his plan is "the start on reducing property taxes," estimating it would mean a reduction of at least 20 percent.

"The most important thing is school districts would be staying the same as far as identities but they would be managed differently," Mahoney said.

Specifically, Mahoney said the change would consolidate how districts buy contracts and would mean lower benefit package costs.

If we want to start tax reform, this is how we do it," Mahoney said.

Specifically, the plan calls for one superintendent per district with a three-member board, and the superintendent he would sign off on every job application, Mahoney said.

Mahoney said his bill, which only affects 4th through 8th class counties, would take nepotism out of the school districts. He said the bill seeks to save tax dollars by lowering the cost of doing business in smaller school districts.

The bill would allow county commissioners to place a referendum on the primary or general election ballot and ask the electorate whether they support combining specific school districts into a countywide school district. If two-thirds of the electors support the referendum, then the named school districts shall undertake consolidation procedures.

Mahoney said by letting voters decide, they are becoming part of the process.

"I am putting it back in the voters' hands," Mahoney said.

According to Mahoney, if a countywide consolidation is undertaken, the state Department of Education would provide advice and legal counsel along with a $2 million grant for consolidation purposes. Also, employees of the newly formed countywide school district would be eligible for membership in the Pennsylvania Employee Benefit Trust Fund, which could save the new countywide school district roughly $2,183 per employee. Typically, school districts pay $9,558 in health-care benefits for employees, but membership in the PEBTF would only cost school districts $7,375 per employee.

The bill calls for directors currently in office in each component school district to be directors of the newly formed school district until the end of their terms.

The makeup of the new board would be three directors appointed by the county commissioners. The directors would need to have backgrounds of education, business, management, local government, construction or maintenance. Directors would serve six years and could not serve for more than two terms or 12 years, whichever is less.

Mahoney said by having people with business and related experience on the board, it would help the school district to be run like a business.

He said by allowing smaller school districts to consolidate into countywide school districts, a better educational environment would be provided for students and resources and contracts could be shared at a lower cost for taxpayers.


Of interest - the measure to consolidate school administration and taxing will be a referendum question authorized by the board of county commissioners of a county.

It isn't quite clear why Rep. Mahoney chose that route rather than to have a percentage of voters in each district call for the referendum question as with other such measures that affect local taxation (except for Keystone Opportunity Zones), and once the refendum is placed on the ballot, according to Mahoney's plan, 2/3rds of the voters must approve of the referendum for it to pass.

That's more than a small hurdle. It's very rare for a strong showing of voters to turn out for Primaries in PA, usually a decrease in voter turnout is seen in non-Presidential years, unless there is a contentious race for school board members, or county commissioner Primary candidates.

With other than a simple majority needed to pass, it is unlikely the referendum will pass, especially if supporters of the current school administration and management in the individual districts turn out in larger numbers to vote down the referendum.

Net the Truth Online

Mahoney plans bill to consolidate school districts for taxpayer savings
News Release

State Rep. Tim Mahoney, D-Fayette, plans to introduce legislation that would save tax dollars by allowing residents to approve the consolidation of small school districts into countywide school districts in Pennsylvania.

The proposal by Mahoney would allow county commissioners to place a referendum on the ballot asking residents if they support consolidating small school districts into a single, countywide school district for purposes of administration and taxing. The consolidation process could begin if at least two-thirds of voters approved the referendum


Friday, July 04, 2008

PA: senate staff helped lawyer targeting reporters

Our attention has been drawn to the article Investigation of alleged grand jury secrecy violations Harrisburg, PA AP particularly

Judge Todd Hoover presided over two days of closed-door testimony in the case earlier this week, and the only news media witness called to testify was the owner of a Harrisburg-based Internet news company.



Why not mention the name of the news company and the owner? We have to search to satisfy our curiosity...

Breaking news: DeNaples grand jury leak hearing continues Updated 1:47 p.m.

HARRISBURG - A Harrisburg broadcaster testified during the second day of a Dauphin County court hearing into whether media leaks undermined the secrecy of the grand jury probe of Mount Airy Casino Resort owner Louis A. DeNaples.

James Roxbury, owner-operator of Roxbury News, an independent broadcasting company, was the sole witness seen entering the chamber of Judge Todd A. Hoover, the presiding judge, as of midday.

Mr. Roxbury was among 15 journalists subpoenaed to testify at the evidence-gathering hearing to determine if a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate leaks.

Mr. Roxbury gave testimony that didn't violate the protections given journalists under the First Amendment and Pennsylvania Shield Law, said attorney Adam Klein.

"He answered questions that didn't violate those protections," added Mr. Klein.


Roxbury News


DeNaples demands reporters' records
15 journalists, two from Morning Call, are called to court in alleged grand jury leaks.
By Tim Darragh | Of The Morning Call
June 12, 2008
Lawyers for Mount Airy Casino Resort owner Louis DeNaples, in a hunt for the source of what they say were illegal leaks from a grand jury, are demanding that 15 reporters turn over not only their handwritten notes but also their personal cell phones and home phone bills.

Morning Call reporters Matt Birkbeck and Christina Gostomski received subpoenas Wednesday issued by attorneys for DeNaples and the Rev. Joseph F. Sica, a priest who advised DeNaples.

In addition, reporters from The Associated Press, the Citizens' Voice of Wilkes-Barre, The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Philadelphia Daily News received subpoenas. James Roxbury, owner of an independent video news company, Roxbury News, also was subpoenaed.

The subpoenas order the reporters to appear before Dauphin County Judge Todd A. Hoover on June 30 and demand that they produce notes, e-mail, work phone records and all other documents relating to their stories about the grand jury.



DeNaples demands reporters' records
15 journalists, two from Morning Call, are called to court in alleged grand jury leaks.
By Tim Darragh | Of The Morning Call
June 12, 2008
...Roxbury said his Harrisburg company hires freelance video teams to record government news and events, including hearings related to DeNaples' slots application, and posts them online on YouTube. He said he has ''one or two'' videos related to the grand jury testimony.

Ted Chylack, an attorney with Sprague & Sprague, which filed the subpoenas, would only say the subpoenas were related to a May 2 ruling by the state Supreme Court.

In that order, the court ruled Hoover should hold a hearing into alleged violations of the secrecy of the grand jury's investigation. The judge then has to determine if a special prosecutor should be appointed.

Dauphin County Assistant District Attorney Fran Chardo said the hearing has not been scheduled.

Grand jury proceedings are secret and state law bars prosecutors, court officials or jurors from discussing a grand jury investigation. Witnesses are not barred from discussing their testimony outside the courtroom, however.

DeNaples and Sica were charged with perjury this year after allegedly lying under oath to state gaming regulators.

DeNaples' spokesman Kevin Feeley earlier said news stories about the grand jury proceedings in DeNaples' and Sica's cases amounted to ''prosecution by headline.''

Performing effectively as government watchdogs means that reporters occasionally must rely on confidential sources to report on sensitive matters, said Henning, the newspaper association attorney...


Search results


Pennsylvania Politics Grand Jury Casino License? More Coming?

Witnesses called at state grand jury secrecy hearing
By The Associated Press
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

HARRISBURG -- Current and former employees of Pennsylvania's gambling regulatory board were among witnesses called to testify Monday at a closed hearing to determine whether a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate violations of grand jury secrecy.
Dauphin County Judge Todd Hoover is presiding over the hearing to examine allegations of leaks in the investigation that led to perjury charges against casino owner Louis DeNaples earlier this year.

Few details of the proceedings were available beyond glimpses of witnesses entering and leaving Hoover's chambers. The judge maintained an order he issued Friday to close the hearing, despite a motion filed by members of DeNaples' legal team asking him to open it.

Among the more prominent witnesses called in the morning were David Kwait, the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board's director of investigations and enforcement, and Michael Schwoyer, the board's former chief enforcement officer. Several sheriff's deputies and other law enforcement officials also were subpoenaed for the roughly six-hour hearing, which was expected to resume Tuesday.


Another grand jury will convene in Dauphin County
by SHARON SMITH, Of The Patriot-News
Wednesday April 02, 2008, 9:31 PM


New grand jury to investigate Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board and process it used to approve casino licenses
1, April 1, 2008 · No Comments
By Matt Birkbeck Of The Morning Call
April 1, 2008

Sources: New Grand Jury On Slots


The new investigation will probe, in part, the DeNaples casino background check and how the gaming board inquiry was conducted and eventually led to DeNaples’ being granted a license despite information that linked him to organized crime, sources said.


…gaming board member Kenneth McCabe, a former FBI agent, told a Senate panel he was ”misled” by the police and claimed that Miller and former Lt. Col. Ralph Periandi didn’t give him adequate information to decide about DeNaples.

Former gaming board Chairman Tad Decker also criticized the state police, saying they should have shared information on DeNaples.

Sources told The Morning Call last August that the U.S. attorney’s office in Harrisburg is investigating hundreds of thousands of dollars in political contributions from DeNaples and several close associates to Gov. Ed Rendell in 2006 as part of a sweeping probe that involves the state police and several federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security and Internal Revenue Service.



The DeNaples case is beginning to rock Slotsylvania to its political core, leading some Republican state lawmakers to call for a special bipartisan committee with subpoena power to investigate his licensing.


Mentions yardbird.com

Another voice another scandal

