Thursday, November 01, 2007

Hillary Clinton: Her Slipperyness Part 50

Hillary Clinton, Her Slipperyness, (tagged due to CNN host who noted such Wednesday on Tucker) spins during the debate among candidates vying for the Democrat Party nomination for President, the next day in a memo, and a third time during a conference call afterwards. All of this within two-days of the NBC-sponsored debate Tuesday.

During the debate, Clinton at least portrayed the failure she perceived to address illegal "immigration" (code word alert) spread between both the Congress and the Administration.

The memo she sent to insiders the day after refers only to the Administration's failure...

Meanwhile the article Campaign Call Reveals Clinton debate concern reports yet another variation with spokesman Penn stating in a conference call:

In Wednesday’s conference call, Penn said Clinton “clarified that she does support governors like Gov. Spitzer” who are faced with the issue because of the federal government’s failure to offer comprehensive immigration reform.

So which is it now, Mrs. Her Slipperyness? Is the failure to offer comprehensive immigration reform at the door of the federal government, the Administration, or Congress and the Administration, or some other variable?

We're at Her Slipperyness Part 50 since Clinton's comments are the talk of the blogs, talk of even The Nation, making Fox News programming throughout morning, noon, and night, and even making PBS programming last night!

MSNBC Hardball's Chris Matthews has vowed to continue to press on the issue, as he's still unsure of Clinton's position in the aftermath of the debate and the release of a memo.

Newsday: Hillary backs license plan after political firestorm

Clinton has now veered from even her original statement claiming the failure to deal with comprehensive immigration reform was that of both the Congress and the Administration during the debate, to laying the blame at only the Administration in a memo the next day, to now in a conference call placing the federal government on the hot seat for the failure. Well who exactly is the federal government? The Immigration and Naturalization Service? Homeland Security? Who?

We expect the issue is not going to just go away. We hope female voters become smarter rather than dumb and dumber and really listen to the variation of positions Hillary Clinton chooses to take on the issue of giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens over the next months.

Hillary Clinton Her Slipperyness Part 1 Million, here we come.

Net the Truth Online

Campaign call reveals Clinton debate concern
By Sam Youngman
November 01, 2007
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) top advisers, doing damage control after the candidate’s debate performance Tuesday, told supporters on a conference call Wednesday that the campaign needed more money to fight back.

Mark Penn, Clinton’s senior strategist and pollster, and Jonathan Mantz, the campaign’s finance director, told the supporters on the call, which The Hill listened to in its entirety, that they expect attacks from Clinton’s rivals to continue, and she will need the financial resources to deflect their attacks...

... Obama and Edwards continued their assault throughout the day, trying to capitalize on the first chink in Clinton’s armor that they have seen in months.

In a memo from the Obama campaign, spokesman Bill Burton said Clinton “offered more of the same Washington political calculation and evasion that won’t bring the change America needs.”

“The ‘politics of hope’ doesn’t mean hoping you don’t have to answer tough questions,” Burton wrote.

Burton wrote that Clinton dodged questions on Social Security, Iran and the National Archives issue. And on one of the more talked-about moments from the end of the debate, Clinton’s position on a move by New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer (D) to grant driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, Burton said, “Twelve hours after the debate ended, the American people are still waiting for an answer on Sen. Clinton’s position … She didn’t answer the question in the debate and her campaign couldn’t answer it afterwards.”

In Wednesday’s conference call, Penn said Clinton “clarified that she does support governors like Gov. Spitzer” who are faced with the issue because of the federal government’s failure to offer comprehensive immigration reform.

Hillary Clinton: Her Slipperyness Part 4

It appears a new strategy is underway by Hillary Clinton, Her Slipperyness, to milk any and all sympathy "women" may be feeling towards her when she was treated basically like just "one of the boys," during the NBC sponsored debate among candidates vying for the Democrat Party nomination for President this week.

Seriously, as a woman, she should not be treated any differently during the debates than anyone else. If for instance, Barack Obama had been in the lead for the past months, poll-wise, he'd likely have gotten a lot of jabs from the other candidates on his own positions where he was equivocating. Same for Dennis Kuchinich who himself was not clear when asked whether he'd seen a UFO.

The man even made a joke of a serious question. Are the debates revealing character?

Absolutely. We'll continue to call Hillary Clinton Her Slipperyness until such time as she makes known her plan for dealing with the illegal alien crisis in this country.

As she is unlikely to do so any time soon, the series will continue probably into the six figures. Keep checking back...

Net the Truth Online
Campaign call reveals Clinton debate concern
By Sam Youngman
November 01, 2007
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) top advisers, doing damage control after the candidate’s debate performance Tuesday, told supporters on a conference call Wednesday that the campaign needed more money to fight back.

Mark Penn, Clinton’s senior strategist and pollster, and Jonathan Mantz, the campaign’s finance director, told the supporters on the call, which The Hill listened to in its entirety, that they expect attacks from Clinton’s rivals to continue, and she will need the financial resources to deflect their attacks.

Clinton came under withering assault in the Philadelphia debate, and some supporters on the call agreed with analysts that she stumbled.

“I wouldn’t say she lost her cool,” one caller said. “But I would say she lost her footing.”

The caller addded that Clinton’s response to questions about records from her time in the White House that have been sealed by the National Archives “made me roll my eyes.”

The criticisms followed Penn’s assertion that Clinton was “unflappable.” He also said criticisms from Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and former Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) would backfire and that he was already “detecting some backlash,” particularly among female voters.

Those female voters are saying, “Sen. Clinton needs our support now more than ever if we’re going to see this six-on-one to try to bring her down,” Penn told those on the campaign call.

He, Mantz and several supporters hinted repeatedly on the call that Clinton was unfairly targeted by Tim Russert, debate moderator and host of NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“Russert made it appear that President Clinton had done something new or unusual,” Penn said, before adding that it “is, in fact, an extremely confusing situation … I think there will be further clarification.”

“I hope so,” a female caller responded. “To me, it was the most uncomfortable part of the debate.”

Penn turned again to Russert. “The other candidates were asked questions like, ‘Is there life in outer space?’ ”

The object of the call, and a follow-up breakfast Thursday morning with campaign chairman and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Terry McAuliffe, was apparently to stop whatever bleeding the senator might have sustained during a debate in which Clinton wore a bull’s-eye on her back throughout the evening.

Penn and Mantz said “a new phase” in the campaign had begun with about 65 days to go before the Iowa caucuses. They expect Obama and Edwards to go “negative on TV, and we’re going to need the resources to fight that front.”

Hillary Clinton: Her Slipperyness Part 3 $1K for truth

Hillary Clinton, otherwise becoming known as "Her Slipperyness" for her reversal on the issue of illegal immigration during the debate among candidates vying for the Democrat Party nomination for President.

9/11 Families is offering $1,000 to the person/s who can get Hillary Clinton to clarify her meaning regarding her statements on the issue of New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's action to give drivers' licenses to illegal aliens.

Fox 'n Friends discussed the development this morning.

Yep. Wonder whether this can be done by text messaging? Anybody know Her Slipperyness's private cell phone number?

Oh, the AFSCME, they should know. Isn't the support from that organization aggravating to the taxpayers across the nation? The Association of Federal, State, County, Municipal "Employees" - in other words, your local, state, and federal public servants - get together to not only endorse Hillary Clinton, but their representatives in the lobbying organization hand her a supportive gift.

A pair of boxing gloves.


Yep. The AFSCME doesn't really give a hoot whether or not Hillary Clinton is clear on the issues, all of the issues, and speaks in code words to garner the support of whoever thinks they heard what they want to hear, they still support her - because she is the most visible - so far - liberal candidate for the Democrat Party nomination for President.

We can only hope the 9/11 Families charge full speed ahead and make appearances on all of the major network outlets.

Do you think Chris Matthews will invite them on Hardball? He may, because he stated on his program y'day that he was going to keep on the issue of her "position" on giving drivers' licenses to illegal aliens. Maybe he got the "wake up" bug bite during the NBC debate.

Check out the transcripts when you can.

See our previous posts which contain links to some of those, including the transcript of the debate provided by MSNBC.

How about Lou Dobbs. I place a bet there. He'll have them on.

Bill O'Reilly. Hannity and Colmes.